Dr Fan (Aaron) Zhang

Senior Lecturer
in Visual Communications

School of Computer Science
University of Bristol


PhD (Bristol), MSc and BSc (SJTU).
Fellow, Higher Education Academy (HEA).
Senior Lecturer in the School of Computer Science, University of Bristol.
Member of the Visual Information Laboratory and the Bristol Vision Institute.
Associate editor of IEEE T-CSVT (2021-present).
Reviewer for IEEE Acess, T-BC, T-IP, T-MM, SPL and T-CSVT.
Member of the VSPC Technical Committee associated with the IEEE CAS Society.


Important Download Links


  • COMSM0129 Augmenting the Real World (Unit Director, 2022-present)
  • EENGM0004 Engineering Research Skills (Unit Director, 2022-2024)
  • EENGM4021 Image and Video Coding (Unit Director: Prof David Bull, 2021-2024)


News & Activities

[Older news and activities]

Primary Research Areas

  • INR-based video compression
  • Enhancing conventional codecs
  • Video databases
  • Deep video quality asessment
  • Super resolution
  • Video frame interpoliation
  • Complexity reduction

Signature Research Projects

NeurIPS 2024

NVRC: Neural Video Representation Compression
"The first INR-based video codec outperforming VTM (RA)!"
Ho Man Kwan, Ge Gao, Fan Zhang, Andrew Gower and David Bull
accepted by NeurIPS, 2024

ECCV 2024

MTKD: Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation for Image Super-Resolution
"A student model can outperform its teaching models through MTKD!"
Yuxuan Jiang, Chen Feng, Fan Zhang and David Bull
ECCV, 2024
[arXiv] [code]

arXiv 2024

PNVC: Towards Practical INR-based Video Compression
"The first INR-based video codec achieving per-frame encoding and competitive performance!"
Ge Gao, Ho Man Kwan, Fan Zhang and David Bull
arxiv, 2024

arXiv 2024

BVI-UGC: A Video Quality Database for User-Generated Content Transcoding
"The first video quality database focusing on UGC transcoding!"
Zihao Qi, Chen Feng, Fan Zhang, Xiaozhong Xu, Shan Liu, David Bull
arXiv, 2024
[arXiv] [Database]

ECCV AIM Workshop 2024

RMT-BVQA: Recurrent Memory Transformer-based Blind Video Quality Assessment for Enhanced Video Content
"The first deep VQA model based on RMT!"
Tianhao Peng, Chen Feng, Duolikun Danier, Fan Zhang, Benoit Vallade, Alex Mackin and David Bull
ECCV AIM Workshop, 2024
[arXiv] [Code]

arXiv 2024

MVAD: A Multiple Visual Artifact Detector for Video Streaming
"The first multi-artifact detection framework without replying on VQA!"
Chen Feng, Duolikun Danier, Fan Zhang and David Bull
arXiv, 2024

AAAI 2024

LDMVFI: Video Frame Interpolation with Latent Diffusion Models
"The first latent diffusion model based VFI method!"
Duolikun Danier, Fan Zhang and David Bull
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2024
[arXiv] [code]

WACV 2024

RankDVQA: Deep VQA based on Ranking-inspired Hybrid Training
"The first deep VQA model optimised through ranking-based training!"
Chen Feng, Duolikun Danier, Fan Zhang, David Bull
IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2024
[arXiv] [project] [code]

NeurIPS 2023
HiNeRV: Video Compression with Hierarchical Encoding-based Neural Representation
"The first INR-based video codec significantly outperforming x265!"
Ho Man Kwan, Ge Gao, Fan Zhang, Andrew Gower, David Bull
NeurIPS, 2023
[arXiv] [project] [code]

TMM 2021

BVI-DVC: A Training Database for Deep Video Compression
"The training database used by MPEG JVET for deep video compression!"
Di Ma, Fan Zhang, David Bull
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 2021
[paper] [arXiv] [project] [database]

[Older Research Projects]


Book and Book Chapters
  1. Intelligent Image and Video Compression: Communicating Pictures. [book][resource]
    D. Bull and F. Zhang, 2nd Edition, Oxford: Academic Press, 2021.

  2. Measuring video quality. [book]
    F. Zhang and D. Bull, In: Sergios Theodoridis and Rama Chellappa, editors, Academic Press Library in Signal Processing. Vol 5. , Oxford: Academic Press, 2014, pp 227-249. ISBN: 978-0-12-420149-1.
MPEG Standard Contributions
  1. BVI-AOM dataset (CWG-E082)
    J. Nawala, Y. Jiang , F. Zhang, X. Zhu, J. Sole and D. Bull, A submission to AOM, April 2024.

  2. Description of SDR video coding technology proposal by University of Bristol (JVET-J0031) [document]
    D. Bull, F. Zhang and M. Afonso, A submission to the Joint Call for Proposals on Video Compression with Capability beyond HEVC, April 2018 in San Diego.

  3. BVI_Texture UHD 120fps test sequences for HEVC and beyond (JCTVC-V0099) [document]
    M. Papadopoulos, F. Zhang, D. Agrafiotis, D. Bull and J.-R. Ohm, October 2015 in Geneva.
arXiv Papers
  1. PNVC: Towards Practical INR-based Video Compression. [arXiv]
    G. Gao, H. M. Kwan, F. Zhang, and D. Bull, arXiv:2409.00953, 2024.

  2. UW-GS: Distractor-Aware 3D Gaussian Splatting for Enhanced Underwater Scene Reconstruction. [arXiv]
    H. Wang, N. Anantrasirichai, F. Zhang, and D. Bull, arXiv:2410.01517, 2024.

  3. BVI-UGC: A Video Quality Database for User-Generated Content Transcoding. [paper][database]
    Z. Qi, C. Feng, F. Zhang, X. Xu, S. Liu, D. Bull, arXiv:2408.07171, 2024.

  4. MVAD: A Multiple Visual Artifact Detector for Video Streaming. [paper]
    C. Feng, D. Danier, F. Zhang, D. Bull, arXiv:2406.00212, 2024.

  5. DaBiT: Depth and Blur informed Transformer for Joint Refocusing and Super-Resolution. [paper]
    C. Morris, N. Anantrasirichai, F. Zhang, D. Bull, arXiv:2407.01230, 2024.

  6. Enhancing HDR Video Compression through CNN-based Effective Bit Depth Adaptation. [paper]
    C. Feng, Z. Qi, D. Danier, F. Zhang, X. Xu, S. Liu, D. Bull, arXiv:2207.08634, 2022.
Journal Papers
  1. Survey on Visual Signal Coding and Processing with Generative Models: Technologies, Standards and Optimization. [arXiv][paper]
    Zhibo Chen, Heming Sun, Li Zhang, Fan Zhang, IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems , 2024.

  2. CVEGAN: a perceptually-inspired GAN for compressed video enhancement. [paper][project & code]
    D. Ma, F. Zhang, and D. R. Bull, accepted by Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2024.

  3. BVI-VFI: A Video Quality Database for Video Frame Interpolation. [paper][project & database]
    D. Danier, F. Zhang and D. Bull, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 2024.

[Older Journal Papers]

  1. A multiple-UAV architecture for autonomous media production. [paper]
    I. Mademlis, A. Torres-Gonzalez, J. Capitan, M. Montagnuolo, A. Messina, F. Negro, C. Le Barz, T. Goncalves, R. Cunha, B. Guerreiro, F. Zhang, S. Boyle, G. Guerout, A. Tefas, N. Nikolaidis, D. Bull and I. Pitas, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2023.

  2. BVI-CC: A Dataset for Research on Video Compression and Quality Assessment. [paper][dataset]
    A. V. Katsenou, F. Zhang, M. Afonso, G. Dimitrov and D. R. Bull, Frontiers in Signal Processing, 2022.

  3. Optimising VVC Encoding Using Key Frame Selection. [paper]
    S. Nagaraju, F. Zhang, S. Takamura, D. R. Bull, IIEEJ Transactions On Image Electronics, 2021.

  4. BVI-DVC: A Training Database for Deep Video Compression. [paper][dataset]
    D. Ma, F. Zhang, and D. R. Bull, IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, 2021.

  5. ViSTRA2: Video Coding using Spatial Resolution and Effective Bit Depth Adaptation. [paper][project]
    F. Zhang, M. Afonso and D. R. Bull, Elsevier Signal Processing Image Communication, 2021.

  6. Video Compression with CNN-based Post Processing. [paper][project]
    F. Zhang, D. Ma, C. Feng and D. R. Bull, IEEE MultiMedia Magazine, 2020.

  7. MFRNet: A New CNN Architecture for Post-Processing and In-loop Filtering. [paper]
    D. Ma, F. Zhang, and D. R. Bull, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Singal Processing, 2020.

  8. A Study of High Frame Rate Video Formats. [paper][project][dataset]
    A. Mackin, F. Zhang, and D. R. Bull, IEEE T-MM, 2019.

  9. Video Compression based on Spatio-Temporal Resolution Adaptation. [paper][project]
    M. Afonso, F. Zhang and D. R. Bull, IEEE T-CSVT (Letter), 2019.

  10. Rate-distortion Optimization Using Adaptive Lagrange Multipliers. [paper][project]
    F. Zhang and D. R. Bull, IEEE T-CSVT, 2019.

  11. BVI-HD: A Video Quality Database for HEVC Compressed and Texture Synthesised Content. [paper][dataset]
    F. Zhang, F. Mercer Moss, R. Baddeley and D. R. Bull, IEEE T-MM, 2018.

  12. Reduced-Reference Video Quality Metric Using Spatial Information in Salient Regions. [paper]
    F. D. A. Rahman, D. Agrafiotis, O. O. Khalifa and F. Zhang, TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 2018.

  13. On the Optimal Presentation Duration for Subjective Video Quality Assessment. [dataset][project]
    F. Mercer Moss, K. Wang, F. Zhang, R. Baddeley and D. Bull, IEEE T-CSVT, November 2016.

  14. Support for Reduced Presentation Durations in Subjective Video Quality Assessment. [paper][project]
    F. Mercer Moss, C.-T. Yeh, F. Zhang, R. Baddeley, D. R. Bull, Elsevier Signal Processing: Image Communication, October 2016.

  15. A Perception-based Hybrid Model for Video Quality Assessment [paper][code][project]
    F. Zhang and D. Bull, IEEE T-CSVT, June 2016.

  16. Perception-oriented Video Coding based on Image Analysis and Completion: a Review. [paper]
    P. Ndjiki-Nya, D. Doshkov, H. Kaprykowsky, F. Zhang, D. Bull, T. Wiegand, Signal Processing: Image Communication, July 2012.

  17. A Parametric Framework For Video Compression Using Region-based Texture Models. [paper][project]
    F. Zhang and D. Bull, IEEE J-STSP, November 2011.
Conference Contributions
  1. NVRC: Neural Video Representation Compression. [arXiv]
    H. M. Kwan, G. Gao, F. Zhang, Andrew Gower, and D. Bull, accepted by NeurIPS, 2024.

  2. RMT-BVQA: Recurrent Memory Transformer-based Blind Video Quality Assessment for Enhanced Video Content. [paper] [code]
    T. Peng, C. Feng, D. Danier, F. Zhang, B. Vallade, A. Mackin and D. Bull, ECCV AIM Workshop, 2024.

  3. Benchmarking Conventional and Learned Video Codecs with a Low-Delay Configuration. [paper]
    S. Teng, Y. Jiang, G. Gao, F. Zhang, T. Davis, Z. Liu and D. Bull, accepted by IEEE VCIP, 2024.

  4. BVI-AOM: A New Training Dataset for Deep Video Compression Optimization. [paper][database]
    J. Nawala, Y. Jiang, F. Zhang, X. Zhu, J. Sole, D. Bull, accepted by IEEE VCIP, 2024.

  5. MTKD: Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation for Image Super-Resolution. [paper][code]
    Y. Jiang, C. Feng, F. Zhang, D. Bull, ECCV, 2024.

  6. LDMVFI: Video Frame Interpolation with Latent Diffusion Models. [paper][code]
    D. Danier, F. Zhang, D. Bull, AAAI, 2024.

  7. RankDVQA: Deep VQA based on Ranking-inspired Hybrid Training. [paper][code]
    C. Feng, D. Danier, F. Zhang, and D. R. Bull, IEEE/CVF WACV 2024.

  8. Immersive Video Compression using Implicit Neural Representations. [paper]
    H M Kwan, F Zhang, A Gower, D Bull, PCS, 2024.

  9. Compressing Deep Image Super-resolution Models. [paper][code]
    Y Jiang, J Nawala, F Zhang, D Bull, PCS, 2024.

  10. Full-reference Video Quality Assessment for User Generated Content Transcoding. [paper]
    Z Qi, C Feng, D Danier, F Zhang, X Xu, S Liu, D Bull, PCS, 2024.

  11. RankDVQA-mini: Knowledge Distillation-Driven Deep Video Quality Assessment. [paper]
    C Feng, D Danier, H Wang, F Zhang, B Vallade, A Mackin and D Bull, PCS, 2024.

  12. BVI-Artefact: An Artefact Detection Benchmark Dataset for Streamed Videos. [paper]
    C Feng, D Danier, F Zhang, A Mackin, A Collins and D Bull, PCS, 2024.

  13. Accelerating Learnt Video Codecs with Gradient Decay and Layer-wise Distillation. [paper] [code]
    T Peng, G Gao, H Sun, F Zhang, D Bull, PCS, 2024.

[Older Conference Papers]

  1. HiNeRV: Video Compression with Hierarchical Encoding based Neural Representation. [paper][code]
    Ho Man Kwan, Ge Gao, Fan Zhang, Andrew Gower, David Bull, NeurIPS 2023.

  2. ST-MFNet Mini: Knowledge Distillation-Driven Frame Interpolation. [paper][code]
    C. Morris, D. Danier, F. Zhang, N. Anantrasirichai and D. Bull, ICIP, 2023.

  3. ST-MFNet: Spatio-Temporal Multi-Flow Network for Video Frame Interpolation. [paper][project & Code]
    D. Danier, F. Zhang, and D. R. Bull, IEEE/CVF CVPR, 2022

  4. Analysis of video quality induced spatio-temporal saliency shifts. [paper]
    X. Wu, Z. Dong, F. Zhang, P. L. Rosin and H. Liu, IEEE ICIP, 2022

  5. Identifying pitfalls in the evaluation of saliency models for videos. [paper]
    Z. Dong, X. Wu, X. Zhao, F. Zhang, and H. Liu, IEEE IVMSP Workshops, 2022

  6. FloLPIPS: A Bespoke Video Quality Metric for Frame Interpoation. [paper][project & Code]
    D. Danier, F. Zhang, and D. Bull, PCS, 2022.

  7. Enhancing VVC with Deep Learning based Multi-Frame Post-Processing. [paper]
    D. Danier, C. Feng, F. Zhang, and D. R. Bull, 5th Challenge on Learned Image Compression (in IEEE/CVF CVPR), 2022

  8. Enhancing Deformable Convolution based Video Frame Interpolation with Coarse-to-fine 3D CNN. [paper][project & code]
    D. Danier, F. Zhang, and D. R. Bull, accepted by ICIP 2022.

  9. A CNN-based Post-Processor for Perceptually-Optimized Immersive Media Compression. [paper]
    A. Katsenou, F. Zhang, and D. R. Bull, accetpted by ICIP 2022.

  10. A Subjective Quality Study for Video Frame Interpolation. [paper][project]
    D. Danier, F. Zhang, and D. R. Bull, accetpted by ICIP 2022.

  11. ViSTRA3: Video Coding with Deep Parameter Adaptation and Post Processing. [paper]
    C. Feng, D. Danier, C. Tan, F. Zhang, D. Bull, Grand Challenge on Neural Network-based Video Coding in IEEE ISCAS, 2022

  12. Enhancing VMAF through New Feature Integration and Model Combination. [paper]
    Fan Zhang, Angeliki Katsenou, Christos Bampis, Lukas Krasula, Zhi Li and David Bull, PCS, 2021.

  13. A Subjective Study on Videos at Various Bit Depths. [paper]
    Alex Mackin, Di Ma, Fan Zhang and David Bull, PCS, 2021.

  14. VMAF-based Bitrate Ladder Estimation for Adaptive Streaming. [paper]
    Angeliki V. Katsenou, Fan Zhang, Kyle Swanson, Mariana Afonso, Joel Sole and David R. Bull, PCS, 2021.

  15. Key Reference Frame Selection for VVC Encoding. [paper]
    S. Nagaraju, F. Zhang, S. Takamura, D. R. Bull, Proceedings of the 49th Annual Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 2021.

  16. Enhancing VVC through CNN-based Post-Processing. [paper][project]
    F. Zhang, C. Feng and D. Bull, ICME, 2020.

  17. A Simulation Environment for Drone Cinematography. [paper]
    F. Zhang, D. Hall, T. Xu, S. Boyle and D. Bull, IBC, 2020.

  18. Video compression with low complexity CNN-based spatial resolution adaptation. [paper]
    D. Ma, F. Zhang, and D. Bull, SPIE, 2020.

  19. GAN-based Effective Bit Depth Adaptation for Perceptual Video Compression. [paper]
    D. Ma, F. Zhang and D. Bull, ICME, 2020.

  20. Encoding in the Dark Grand Challenge: An Overview. [paper]
    N. Anantrasirichai, F. Zhang, A. Malyugina, P. Hill, A. Katsenou, ICME Workshops, 2020.

  21. Enhanced Video Compression based on Effective Bit Depth Adaptation. [paper]
    F. Zhang, M. Afonso and D. Bull, ICIP, 2019.

  22. A Subjective Study of Viewing Experience for Drone VIdeos Using Simulated Content. [paper]
    S. Boyle, F. Zhang and D. Bull, ICIP, 2019.

  23. A Subjective Comparison of AV1 and HEVC for Adaptive Video Streaming. [paper][dataset]
    A. Katsenou, F. Zhang, M. Afonso and D. Bull, ICIP, 2019.

  24. Frame Rate Conversion Method based on a Virtual Shutter Angle. [paper]
    A. Mackin, F. Zhang and D. Bull, ICIP, 2019.

  25. Environment Capture and Simulation for UAV Cinematography Planning and Training. [paper]
    S. Boyle, M. Newton, F. Zhang and D. Bull, EUSIPCO, 2019.

  26. Perceptually-inspired Super-resolution of Compressed Videos. [paper]
    D. Ma, M. Afonso, F. Zhang and D. Bull, SPIE, 2019.

  27. The Future of Media Production Through Multi-drones' Eyes. [paper]
    A. Messina, S. Metta, M. Montagnuolo, F. Negro, V. Mygdalis, I. Pitas, J. Capitan, A. Torres, S. Boyle, D. Bull and F. Zhang, IBC, 2018.

  28. A study of subjective video quality at various spatial resolutions. [paper][dataset]
    A. Mackin, M. Afonso, F. Zhang and D. Bull, ICIP, 2018.

  29. Spatial resolution adaptation framework for video compression. [paper]
    M. Afonso, F. Zhang and D. Bull, SPIE, 2018.

  30. SRQM: A Video Quality Metric for Spatial Resolution Adaptation. [paper][code]
    A. Mackin, M. Afonso, F. Zhang and D. Bull, PCS, 2018.

  31. A Frame Rate Dependent Video Quality Metric based on Temporal Wavelet Decomposition and Spatiotemporal Pooling. [paper][code]
    F Zhang, A Mackin and D. R. Bull, ICIP, 2017.

  32. Low Complexity Video Coding Based on Spatial Resolution Adaptation. [paper]
    M. Afonso, F. Zhang, A. Katsenou, D. Agrafiotis, D. Bull, ICIP, 2017.

  33. Investigating the Impact of High Frame Rates on Video Compression. [paper][dataset]
    A. Mackin, F. Zhang, M. A. Papadopoulos, D. Bull, ICIP, 2017.

  34. Video Texture Analysis based on HEVC Encoding Statistics. [paper][dataset]
    M. Afonso, A. Katsenou, F. Zhang, D. Agrafiotis, D. Bull, PCS, 2016.

  35. HEVC Enhancement using Content-based Local QP Selection. [paper]
    F. Zhang and D. Bull, ICIP, 2016.

  36. An Adaptive QP Offset Determination Method for HEVC. [paper]
    M. A. Papadopoulos, F. Zhang, D. Agrafiotis, D. R. Bull, ICIP, 2016.

  37. What's on TV: A Large Scale Quantitative Characterisation of Modern Broadcast Video Content. [paper][project]
    F. Mercer Moss, F. Zhang, R. Baddeley, D. R. Bull, ICIP, 2016.

  38. An Adaptive Lagrange Multiplier Determination Method for Rate-distortion Optimisation in Hybrid Video Codecs. [paper][project]
    F. Zhang and D. Bull, ICIP, 2015.

  39. A Study of Subjective Video Quality at Various Frame Rates. [paper][dataset]
    A. Mackin, F. Zhang and D. Bull, ICIP, 2015.

  40. A Very Low Complextiy Reduced Reference Video Quality Metric based on Spatio-temporal Information Selection. [paper]
    M. Wang, F. Zhang and D. Agrafiotis, ICIP, 2015.

  41. A Video Texture Database for Perceptual Compression and Quality Assessment. [paper][dataset]
    M. A. Papadopoulos, F. Zhang, D.Agrafiotis and D. Bull, ICIP, 2015.

  42. Optimal sequence duration for subjective video quality assessment. [paper][project]
    F. J. Mercer Moss, K. Wang, F. Zhang, R. Baddeley and D. Bull, SPIE Optical Engineering+ Applications, 2015.

  43. Quality Assessment Methods for Perceptual Video Compression. [paper][code][project]
    F. Zhang and D. Bull, ICIP, Melbourne, Australia, September 2013.

  44. Production of high dynamic range video. [paper]
    M. Price, D. Bull, T. Flaxton, S. Hinde, R. Salmon, A. Sheikh, G. Thomas, and F. Zhang, IBC, Amsterdam, September, 2013.

  45. Advances in Region-based Texture Modeling for Video Compression. [paper][project]
    F. Zhang and D. Bull, Proc. SPIE 8135, San Diego, USA, August, 2011.

  46. Enhanced Video Compression With Region-Based Texture Models. [paper][project]
    F. Zhang and D. Bull, PCS, Nagoya, Japan, December, 2010.

  47. Region-Based Texture Modelling For Next Generation Video Codecs [paper][project]
    F. Zhang, D. Bull, and N. Canagarajah, ICIP, Hong Kong, China, September, 2010.
Non-peer-reviewed Publications
  1. Guest Editorial Advances in Generative Visual Signal Coding and Processing. [paper]
    Z. Chen, H. Sun, L. Zhang and F. Zhang, IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, June 2024.

  2. Exploring the Challenges of Higher Frame Rates: from Quality Assessment to Frame Rate Selection. [paper][project]
    A. V. Katsenou, A. Mackin, D. Ma, F. Zhang and D. R. Bull, IEEE COMSOC MMTC Communications - Frontiers (E-Letter), May 2018 (invited).