This webpage provides a summary of all databases that I have contributed to, including their descriptions and download links. Detailed usages can be found in their specific webpages.
List of databases
BVI-HD [database]: a perceptual video quality database for HEVC and texture synthesis compressed content
BVI-HFR [database]: a high frame rate video database
BVI-SR [database]: a study of subjective video quality at various spatial resolutions
BVI-HomTex [database]: a video database with various types of homogeneous textures
BVI-Texture [database]: a video texture database for perceptual compression and quality assessment
BVI-SynTex [database]: a synthetic video texture dataset for video compression and quality assessment
BVI-BD [database]: a subjective study on videos at various bit depths
BVI-DVC [database]: a training database for deep video compression
BVI-CC [database]: a video database for codec comparison and quality assessment
BVI-VFI [database]: a subjective quality study for video frame interpolation
BVI-UGC [database]: A Video Quality Database for User-Generated Content Transcoding
BVI-Artefact [database]: An Artefact Detection Benchmark Dataset for Streamed Videos
BVI-AOM [database]: A Training Database for Video Compression Research